Dog Foster Process

The process to becoming an approved foster with Last Chance at Life is straightforward and you will be guided through each step of the process with one of our foster coordinators.   Outlined below are the steps you can expect to follow prior to bringing a dog into your home.  Typically, this process will take less than one week, depending on your schedule.


  1. Fill out a Foster Application online
  2. Receive an email from one of our foster coordinators within 24 hours to set up a virtual home visit
  3. Participate in a 30 minute virtual home visit with a foster coordinator
  4. Review 4 dog training videos provided by the foster coordinator (after your home visit)
  5. Attend a meet and greet onsite at LCAL with one of our trained staff and all family members (human and furry) to meet your foster dog.  At this time, you will also review program guidelines, sign all relevant paperwork and get all necessary supplies, medication and equipment
  6. Bring your foster dog home and help them ease in to life with your family