
Breed: Mastiff
Age: 4 months
Size:  41 lbs
Health: She has cherry eye (prolapse of the nictitans gland) which will soon be addressed through surgery; otherwise, she is a healthy normal puppy

Ideal Match: Mastiff lovers…Step right up!

Meet sweet Betty! Betty came to us from Animal Friends of the Valley where she came in as a stray.  Betty came to us right after another sweet Mastiff, Lucy, with the same eye issues and the same age. We do not know for sure if they are litter mates, but all the stars align to say they might be. While at AFV, Betty was introduced to another dog and did well in the interaction. She has only shown all of us a sweet puppy side. She will need surgery to address the left cherry eye and will be recovering in a foster home for a few weeks. As we get to know her, we will update everyone on her sweet personality.