Sex: Male
Breed: Boxer
Age: 7 years old
Size: 88 lbs
Health: Deaf, overweight, some lumps/bumps, medical review pending
Ideal Match: TBD
Buzz is 7 years old, going on 8. He comes to us along with his brother and sister after their owner passed away. He’s very affectionate and loves to hang with his people and get his belly rubbed. Loves walks and car rides and has been great meeting new dogs on leash. He’s a super happy-go-lucky guy… with the cutest face!
He is housebroken, gets along great with the other 3 dogs in his foster home (plus his brother and sister that came with him), sleeps through the night, and mostly sleeps during the day. He does fine being left on free roam when his foster family is away from the home. Once he realizes he’s not going along for the ride, he goes right back to bed and quietly waits for your return.
We are looking for a new foster for Buzz. (This foster family took in all 3 orphaned dogs which brings them to 6 total dogs in the home.)
More from Buzz’s current foster mom:
Medical: He’s around 7, going on 8 years old. Also very overweight at 88 lbs, lots of curious lumps/bumps, and always panting due to him trying to lug all that weight around. His dental and medical review will be handled by the rescue, but his first priority would be to drop some of those pounds and see how he does.
Behavior: Buzz will need a few days to acclimate with another dog — he is not aggressive, but he has a bad behavior of doing a nervous “head snap” (snapping) at a dog if they are too close to him and he is amped up. He has recently started to play with Mochi (our youngest), so he may be best with a young, submissive dog or pup. He has shown a little bit of resource guarding, snapping at other dogs when they get too close to what he’s guarding. Knowing this, we now don’t allow him to crowd us or hang out in the kitchen. We point to another room, touch his collar and he scurries into the other room to wait. We also feed Buzz behind a baby gate because of this excited behavior. He only did this the first few days, and in the past 5 days he’s been incident-free with my crew. I still feed him separately and watch him for resource guarding.