Chi Chi
Sex: Female
Breed: Chihuahua
Age: 7 Years
Size: 6 lbs
Health: Spayed
Ideal Match: Moderately active lifestyle, gets along with other dogs
Chi Chi is a 6 lb, seven year old chihuahua who came to us in July of 2017 when her previous owner experienced a sudden illness and needed to rehome her. She came with another Chihuahua named Molly who was adopted in April 2018 and Chi Chi is still in her foster home with LCAL adoptable Riley and another dog and two cats.
Chi Chi loves her little friends and has a lot of energy. She has met a number of other small dogs while in her foster home and has gotten along with all of them. She is housebroken and loves to go on walks. She likes toys and snuggling on the couch. She can be shy at first, but once she warms up she loves to shower people with affection.
Please submit your application through our website if you would like to meet Chi Chi.