Sex: Male
Breed: German Shepherd
Age: 5 Years
Size: 75-80 lbs
Health: Neutered. In the course of Huston’s neuter procedure and recovery, it was discovered that he has a clotting factor deficiency. While this doesn’t affect his day-to-day life, if he were to require a surgical procedure in the future, he would need to have a transfusion prior to the surgery to allow his blood to clot adequately. His new family would need to take this into account when planning for his medical care.
Ideal Match: Moderate activity level
This guy is a real sweetheart with a stable temperament. Huston is very intelligent and will pick up on things quickly providing the human is consistent. He is a joy to train as he learns so very quickly. He is a large guy and stands taller than many people if he decides to jump up – we are working on eliminating that behavior: ) Huston appears dog friendly and walks well on a leash. If you are looking for a great big lovebug, this guy’s the one!